If you're a female, born as well in the late 70s / early 80s and you're living with a male partner in the same age you might consider watching this movie to understand one of the many aspects that formed the behaviour of your man. Besides that, it features awesome colors.
Kings of Power 4 Billion % from James Cusano on Vimeo.
Info from the Vimeo Page:
An animated short in the style of a side-scrolling combat game on acid that falls somewhere between creative genius and artistic insanity. Released in March of 2008, this is the second of such films from Australian artist Paul Robertson.He made his debut in March of 2006 with a piece sponsored by the City of Melbourne titled "Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006." It was first shown at the Trigger Happy art exhibition, and quickly gained online popularity after being featured on the Select Parks artistic game-development community.Alternative Download Locations: probertson.livejournal.com/23973.html--------CREDITS--------Music by Cornel Wilczek